Live and loud, concerts are my ticket to fighting depression

Adam Duritz, frontman of the roots-rock group Counting Crows, is standing 50 feet in front of me singing “Miami” in a packed farm field near Nashville on a Saturday afternoon.

The song includes one of my favorite lyrics from the band – “She could pull the sunlight through me.” Duritz delivers the line with energy that rises along the course of the sentence, and it makes me feel hopeful every time I hear it. Right now, it’s a little ironic, because in 10 minutes the show is going to end abruptly due to the threat of lightning.

But in this moment, I’m inundated by a riot of guitars and percussion and fans singing along. Each time Jim Bogios pounds the bass drum, it feels like a punch going straight through me. The louder everything gets around me, the quieter it gets in my mind, which is typically a pretty noisy place. I’m not just here for the entertainment. I’m here as part of a self-prescribed program to fight depression.  more

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