Drugs and Dreams

Dreams are a series of images, ideas, thoughts, emotions and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. They have been described physiologically as a response to a neural process when the person is asleep
while the psychological basis proposed is that they are because of reflection of the subconscious mind. Pharmacologists are of the view that medications, many hormones, neurotransmitters, herbs and supplements can alter dreams and make them
more or less vivid.

The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood
although they have been a topic of interest since ages.
The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology  more

How to Eat Well in the Psych Ward

One may assume that following the incredibly romanticized trope of psych wards in popular films, patients are too assuaged with the pain of self-hatred or insane medicinal cocktails to care about eating. False.

What they don’t tell you in the goddamn admitting office is that you won’t sleep your first night, or your last, and that the sum of days wedged between it will begin to seep into one another until they collectively become a turgid hunk of days into night into day again.

This is sundered only by mealtimes, of which there are three. They are spaced incredibly close, and are completely unaccommodating to the insomniac, the manic, the psychotic, the orally fixated, addicts, the depressed. All of which were being housed at M——— Hospital’s psych ward, myself included. We’re directed by the staff to shuffle in at 8 AM, 12 PM, and 5 PM, though the time of service often depended on the whim of the worker serving. (The fourth day I’m there, the food attendant does not serve us until his basketball team scores.)  more